"We have a very special defense relationship with India. It's now moving toward joint development of equipment. There are several new projects in the pipeline," Maj.-Gen. (res.) Udi Shani, head of the Defense Ministry's SIBAT Defense Export and Cooperation Agency said in an interview with the Indian press last week.

Israeli defense officials said that in the past decade, the countries have signed deals reaching a whopping $9b. "There is close cooperation and the Indians respect Israeli systems and our experience in fighting terror," one official said.
Another system India recently purchased from Israel is the aerostat radar to help defend the country against attacks like the ones in Mumbai in November in which the attackers infiltrated the city by sea. The radars will be deployed in strategic points to provide advance warning against incoming enemy aircraft and missiles. The deal is valued at $600m.
The EL/M-2083 Aerostat radars are a simpler version of the Green Pine radar, made by Israel Aerospace Industries, and used by the Arrow missile defense system. The phased-array radars are mounted on blimp-like balloons tethered to the ground and capable of detecting intrusions earlier than ground-based radar systems.
India's regional power ambitions are dependent on its ability to develop and produce, or procure, major weapon systems for use by its armed forces. Its recent economic resurgence has allowed the country to embark on major new defense projects, and infuse life into projects that were floundering because the country's ambitions had gotten ahead of its industrial and R&D infrastructure.

This document aims at providing a quick roundup of the major weapon systems being procured by India. I hope to start detailed knols on each of the projects in the days ahead.
The projects listed here include Indigenous R&D projects as well as outright purchases.
This is a work in progress document, and because of its nature will always remain so.
I intend to update it as frequently as new developments take place so that you can be sure of getting the latest status and news on the projects listed here.
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