Indian force is gonna get it new attack light helicopter painted with camouflage paints,lch 2 is gonna get it's first touch on an indian helicopter.

Digital Camouflage Howto
Mask off any vital areas with 3M Painters Tape.
This may include things like open bolts, hopper feed tubes, etc...
Apply the basecoat.
This should be done slowly, and evenly.
It is better to apply 5 light coats than 1 heavy dripping coat.
Initiate the spray before you reach your marker, that way you have a nice fine mist hitting your gun. If you start right above your marker you risk globs and splotches. Not good. Not good at all young jedi.
Experiment with distances. If you spray from too far back, the paint particles will glob together making a nasty orange peel looking finish. For my airbrush 3 inches seemed good.
Basecoat of Urban White
Let the basecoat dry. 1 hour air dry. If you are using Duracoat, I recommend waiting a full day for it set up.
Start placing stencils with the assistance of your xacto blade. Do not press them down until you are happy with the position. Remember, with Digital camo you want to make sure the pattern runs parallel/perpendicular to your marker. Once you are happy, press them down to make sure they stick.
Urban White w/ Stencils applied.
Note: Everywhere you place a stencil on the basecoat will show through all subsequent layers. I tend to use smaller stencils on the basecoat so that I dont overwhelm the following layers.
Apply the next lightest color. Let it dry.
Repeat until you are done.
Snow Gray w/ Stencils Applied
TIP: Use the little squares to diffuse the pattern.
After the weapon is dry, remove all the templates.
Now if you want you can place your female templates on the weapon now.
I tend to use these to cover up any areas where I feel the pattern is to large or to cover up areas where the paint peeled off with the stencil.
You may want to follow up with a matte clear coat for added durability. Plus it will even out the sheen of the different paints.
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