The antitank capability to the infantry is greatly provided by the shoulder fired 84 mm RL weapon. This however does not fully meet the man-portable requirement due to its excessive weight of 16.5 kg. This necessitated the development of a light-weight equipment for achieving ease of operation and man-portability without compromising on the existing capabilities.

Using state-of-the- art composite technology and light weight engineering material, DRDO has developed a light-weight weapon (84 mm Mk III) weighing only 10.5 kg and thereby achieving a weight reduction of six kg. The barrel has been made of ‘hoop over binding’ of carbon-epoxy composite over thin steel liner (rifled). Aluminium mounting brackets for the sighting system, firing mechanism and furnitures are attached to the barrel by winding with glass rovings. The brackets are positioned by use of special purpose machine.

Thus the technology of a composite gun barrel has been developed for the first time in the country. The Mk III weapon fires the existing in-service ammunition. The weapon has already been offered for user trials.

Thus the technology of a composite gun barrel has been developed for the first time in the country. The Mk III weapon fires the existing in-service ammunition. The weapon has already been offered for user trials.
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