- Today, China endeavors to keep India out as an economic competitor. They encourage and command the CPI-M to oppose reform in India, and the CPI-M complies. Yechuri recently went to China (from Xinhua) and came back basically saying FDI was not the way (I'll find a link to this - it was in multiple papers) - ironic given China's own FDI-heavy approach. They oppose the same Multinationals in India that China welcomes with open arms. The CPI(M) is not *like* the CPC (Communist Party of China). The CPI(M) is largely a subservient organ of the CPC.
Why did China make the war, but surprisingly withdrew its forces from some Aurunachal region

1. At the time of china war, in the pereption of the world, India was a much stronger country, which just gained its independence; became a democracy; assumed the natural leadership of other third world countries with the formation of NAM etc.
China on the other hand was a communist, weak state wracked by economic calamities.
Mao had been determined to cut India to size and undermine what it represented --- a pluralistic, democratic model for the developing world that seemingly threatened China's totalitarian political system. His premier, Zhou Enlai, readily admitted that the war was intended "to teach India a lesson".
2. After the disaster of cultural revolution, Mao has to gain back his political stature in china. So he wanted to divert attention from the internal issues to the external threats.

3. The world was in midst of the cuban crisis and the war coinsided with it... a reason why US or USSR did not interfere in this issue.
Perhaps the milatary genius of Mao.
4. One main reason for the heavy casualities in the Indian side was the surprise factor. India was not prepared for the war. More soldiers died of cold than of chinese bullets. Chinese on the otherhand were prepared and well equipped.
5. Its true that Indian side did have some losses, but this was mainly coz the chines cought Indians by surprise.
The patriotic spirit in India was still fresh. Had the war continued for more time, India would have managed to mobolize its forses, give a good fight to the chinese. India did not also put its Air force into use, the reasons of which are still unknown. But had the war continued, India had a good edge over chinese in the air.
6. The chinese did no special gesture in backing out in Aurunachal. They came deep inside the Indian territory, and had not supply lines to support their forces. The chinese had built strong roads in the aksai chin area. So they had enough potential to retain their positions. But in Aurunachal, they had no supply lines. At that time, tibet itself was not under full chinese control in terms of defense setup. India on the other hand was in a much better position on this sector as the border aurunachal was inside India, and comparitively well connected with the rest of India. India also had the air power advantage. So there was no way the chinese could hold to their positions. Actually chinese did not even hope to go that deep. Thanks to Nehru and Menon who were very sure that china is not going to attack India that India was not prepared. So chinese could simply walk into India.

Before the India had the opputunity to get over the shock and strengthen its positions on the aurunachal sector, it cleverly moved back, and it only, not India announced cease fire. China archieved its goal.
China war was a utter disaster for India, but the failure is of the policy and attitude of India, and not the potential strength of India.
This was a good article in rediff some time back
Some unanswered Questions about the 62 war:
In India the 62 war is usually seen as a national shame(for right reasons), and the tendency has been trying to forget and ignore it. But I am not sure any lessons are learnt from it. There are many intresting points, questions about 62 war which still remain unanswered.
1. The 62 conflict almost coinsided with the cuban crisis. So was moa aware of cuban situation before, and timed it so, so that the international community cannot give much attention on it? (and it did happen so)
2. At that time Russia closer to India, than China. But the Russia was almost quiet, and gave more signals in favour of china
3. The govt finding report in 62 war has till date not been released.
4. why India did not use its airforce, when the chinse did not have air superiority in the tibet region, as it was news annexed.
5. The chinese in many places kep the occupied land. But in some places, they simply withdrew, just like they came. why?

6. the geo-political consequences of it. If we see at that time, India had more international respect. It was a new country, a democracy, promising leadership. Particularly the other third world countries with the NAM, and the attaching Gandhian peace to India, commanded more respect. On the contrary, china was a new communist nation, its govt not fully accepted in international community, full of internal famines etc.
So was this a Chinese attempt to "put India in its place". It is true that from that war, the clout of china has increased in comparison with India.
7. Internally also resentment of Mao's was growing. Over 30 million people died in a man-made famine between 1958 and 1962, as a result of Mao's "great leap forward".
The chinese have a strange idea of center-periphery relationship. They can tolerate any leader as long as he gives them a strong center, and a weak periphery. So was this more a political stunt of Mao to hold his power?
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